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The spaces in which we live or work, which are increasingly sealed to save energy, accumulate a large amount of dust containing bacteria and dust mites, the main cause of the most common respiratory problems and allergy symptoms. According to recent university studies, the use of central vacuum systems dramatically reduces the amount of allergens in the air and therefore the diseases associated with them, such as watery eyes and runny nose, colds, breathing difficulties and asthma, as opposed to traditional vacuum cleaners, central vacuum cleaner systems have a greater suction capacity and the air that is sucked in does not return back to the areas being cleaned.

The TUBÒ central vacuum system is AIRTECHNIC's solution, in collaboration with AERTECNICA, for a healthier indoor environment. An innovative system, simple to use and extremely efficient, which has been produced by AERTECNICA since 1985 and incorporates in its construction, the company's 30 years of experience and technology that agrees with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. AERTECNICA is the first company in its sector certified with ISO 9001 and ISO 14000.